Wednesday 30 March 2011

First day of filming

This was the space I had to film the first section of my music video. The band were setting up an event to preform in the evening so I helped them out and also filmed my music video within the space of time between setting up the stage and waiting for the audience to arrive. It really was amazing to have the lighting, stage and equipment there for me to film with which I feel gives it an authentic feel. It was also quite a large stage which I could easily move around and get a selection of shots from. I shall be uploading a shot types sheet to show my understanding of shot types i shall be using in my video. I also was the band photographer for the gig which was not only great for my portfolio but i also have i got a wealth of photographs of the band which i could use during my construction of my poster and CD cover. I shall be deciding on flat plans very soon as i most importantly want them to relate back to youth culture. I feel like the filming went really well and the lighting was a brilliant addition to the filming. I got some great close up's with all members of the band, some footage I could use as cut-in's. It was really rewarding to experiment with different shot types as it gave me more than one way to look at a simple object and could make it very exciting if I was to select the correct one to compliment it.

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