Friday, 30 April 2010

Facebook Feedback

i have an empty slide on my PowerPoint for space for the face book feedback. i am going to put this on separately because i still haven't collected all of my feedback.

Jaime Howard : Double Spread: It's good photography and the write up is very cool.
: Front page: Oh, i love it and so does my mother. she says it look professional. i like the barcode etc.
: contents page :i love it :D ♥

Conrad Preston:Contents page: Very good no critisim
:front page: very good
: for a metal mag it looks kinda indie?

Ros Perkin : contents page:It like draws you in.

Charlie Rusell: Contents page: Shape and layout the pictures a bit more :D they look good, you've got the right amount, bit shape them a bit better.

Evaluation for music Magazine

This is the overal evaluation of the project of magazine production.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

update on evaluationn

i am still working on my evaluation and have collected peer feedback from my work. i have also put my work upon facebook to receive a wide range of comments. some of the negative feedback i have replied to and made my comments about it. i am going to have to finish my evaluation fully and thoroughly tomorrow as i do not have PowerPoint on my computer at home so I'm going to have to work hard tomorrow.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

my final double page spread

finishing touches to my double page spread

screen shot 1: i took away any photoshop brushes front he title area because i think they were unneeded i just changed the colour of the names of the photography and author into yellow to tie the tabs into the article better. i moved up the sections of writing to make a space at the bottom the make the page numebrs more noticable and to overall balance out the space better.

scfreenshot 2: this is the screen shot that i put into my contents page int he section next to the gig reviews. i wanted to put a page preview in ym work to make the auidence want to read it and i have also seen this in music magazine contents pages and thought it looked good and effective.

experimentation wih double page spread

screen shot 1: this the image i was using as the background in the past post. you can see all of the detail in tight in the left corner so it wouldn't be a good background image.

screenshot 2: i wanted to add a other colour into the background so i changed the writing to yellow, which was one difficult to read and two just didn't look correct it just looked out of place. i also added the live tabs at the tab which i did by writing the text rubbing it out with a metal photoshop brush butting it onto a grey box and rubbing it out at the edges. i then added the two portrait images to the side of the main image. i wanted to show more of the gig. one of the images goes over the main image so i delicately erased the portrait image around his head. i did want to add an extra image but i though i would get too cluttered. i added small details like the page number at the bottom of the page. these numbers also correlate with the contents page. i used a photoshop brush over the title and information but i don't think the text is very visible on top of this.

screenshot 3: i changed the text to red as i though it was more noticeable and looked the same as the rest of the magazine. although, i did keep the yellow on the tab bits at the top just to introduce another colour. i also added a 'heard it here first' graphic which will make my article more exclusive and it is a buzz phrase because people are enticed to read. i removed the previous photoshop brush of the metal and added a ink/smokey brush instead but i still didn't think it looked correct.

screen shot4: this is another example of my multi-document working technique. i made the brush i wanted and then dragged it onto my document.

starting to make my double page spread

screenshot 1: i still wasn't sure on my layout because i wasn't following my double spread flat plan because i didn't think it looked very professional. i tried using the landscape image i wasn't going to use because i though i needed more colour in my magazine because until up to this point it had been red, white, and black.

screenshot 2: i then changed the picture again to a landscape picture of the bassist but i then realised there was too much detail on the left hand side of the picture and i didn't want to interrupt it with text. i also realised that my article was too big so i had to take out a large chunk to make it more like a gig review you would find in a magazine. i have noticed that gig reviews are usually very brief so i tried to make my article the same.

start of selection for my double paged spread

shot 1: this is a landscape mid-shot image in colour. its a picture of a lead singer /guitarist. i like the ambient lighting. I'm not sure if ill use this image yet because i want two portrait images to sit next to each other in line and one large image to fill the entire page which will have to be a landscape shot. I'm not going to use this landscape shot because of the colours. it will be difficult to find a good colour to put onto it which will look good and legible.

shot 2: this is a portrait mid-shot image in colour. i like this picture because of the close-up on the bass. you can see the amount of strings which makes it look quite impressive. i would like to use this image on my double page spread.

shot 3: this is a landscape mid-shot in black and white. i like the detail in black and white and it'll be a easy colour to write on top of. there is also alot of black space around him so it'll be good for putting the article onto.

shot 4: this is a picture of the lead singer for the support act. i wanted to up this in because its stereotypical to music magazines to have a picture of the support band as well as the headline act. i like this image because the light and the guitar go together well. i like the expression on his face aswell. it really looks like hes enjoying himself. i may use this with the other portrait image on my article.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

final contents page

end of making my contents page

screenshot 1: as you can see i have a separate document open to transfer the merged layer over. i changed the colour scheme compared to the sub-titles to make them section it up more than merge into the writing. i also wanted to make the page numbers a different colour. i have added a this week title which i, once again, i rubbed out with a photoshop brush.

screen shot 2: i then added the same poster from the front cover into my contents page. to show the freebies you can get with the magazine.
screen shot 3: i then added a page preview of my double paged spread in the space where i adjusted the text that went along with my gig review space next to 'Blue Knives'. i did have a large quote from the article itself, but i then shortened it to make room for a page preview which i saw in kerrang and like the idea of it.

central part of making my contents page

screenshot 1: i added the title which i erased with a cracked photoshop brush and a eraser tool. i then added a black rectangle tool around it and added the issue number and date. i also added the editor section with a small passage about the magazine. i also added a small doodle/signature at the bottom just for a little bit of authenticity. i finally added a subscription box to plug the subscription to the magazine and entice more readers. i purposefully set the price at £6 a month becuase it is cheaper than kerrang. If i was making this magazine for real i would run this as a limited time promotion becuase the magazine itself is more expensive than kerrang and 'The smoke' would then make a loss.

screenshot 2: i added two images at the side becuase they both relate to the stories on the contents page.
Screenshot 3: i then started adding text. i opened another photoshop document as i find it easier working seperatly and dragging things on. i wrote down the text i wanted, selected the font and colour. then i made a rectangle box and dragged my layer below it. i then clicked the eye next to my layer to remove it from being visable. i then ctrl-clicked to merge visable and dragged it on. this is how i have created all of my text on my contents page.

start of making my contents page

Screen shot 1 : i started by using a photoshop brush for the background. i used the same collection of corrugated steel brushes that i used on the front cover. i did this because i wanted the two to flow together and not look like they were from two separate magazines. i changed the brush diameter to 2500 and filled 3/4 of the page so i lined up the same brush in a separate layer to attach the two together.
Screenshot 2: this is the image i used for my editorial picture. i simply used photo booth and dragged the photo into photoshop. i cropped in down to look more like a portrait image as it was a landscape image. the background also looks like an office environment so it would fit with the context of the image.

screenshot 3: this was the photo i chose to go onto my contents page. i chose it because it was in black and white and i wanted it to balance out with the other colour pictures on the page. i like the lighting of the picture and it picks up onto detail which would be as defined in colour. i will cover up my watermark on the product as this wouldn't look very professional.

screen shot 4: this is the full scale image of the editorial picture i took of myself.

screenshot 5: this is from the shoot i did on my model. i liked this shot because of the shadows across his face. i like the way it shows his aggression. i wanted to use a guitar in a different way from just using a guitar strap.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Front page to music magazine (the smoke)

all of the writing on my magazine front cover is in capital letters which i did for a reason. i have noticed that alot of rock music magazine do this. i think it makes the writing more aggressive and almost personifies the text. you could also argue that writing in capital letters makes the text looks like its shouting wish would also connote the stereotypical angry streak of rock music.
i used freebies (free Cd, free posters) to entice readers because they believe it is good value for money.
my three main colours are red, white and black.
i added the eye catching free cd graphic. graphics are averagely seen on woman lifestyle magazines and can lower the tone of magazine but i think it works well as it attracts the eye to the magazine front cover.
all of the photographs i used are all my own. i went through i selection of looking at them on iphoto and selecting the best. i chose the pictures by seeing if they were landscape or portrait and which would look better on my front cover. composition was high on my selection list as i wanted the pictures to look well constructed with good lighting or dutch lines used through them. i also chose pictures according to their staturation need that be black and white, or unstaturated colour pictures.

last screenshots for front cover ( not in cronological order)

Screenshot 1: added a picture & teaser on the left of the page. the picture was originally facing left but i free transformed it to flip because it fit better on the page. my three main colours are red, black and white so i wanted my font to follow suite so i decided that red would be a good contrasting colour to use.
screenshot 2: i also added a live reviews teaser to the right side of the page with the final image on my page. i used a puff on the headline but not on the other stories as i wanted the information to be more direct at a glance. i have also resized the main image to fill more space and to make his hands more visible. i also moved my headline down away from the red section of my models t-shirt.

screenshot 3: (selection for the story on the front cover)i didn't think that the photo contained enough of the mixing desk and model which is why i used screen shot 4.
screen shot 4: this photo is more condensed and shows more emotion and i like the composition.

construction of the free posters section (not in cronological order)

i had quite alot of photographs to choose from to be my posters as i do live photoshoot for local bands in Cornwall. i choose a black and white image, colour image and another colour image.
screenshot 1: i added two of the three posters onto the front cover. you can also see that i have changed the slogan to something catchier and longer. i have also added lightning photoshop brushes to the strapline for added detail. i then used to text tool to add the headline and applied more photoshop brushes behind the headline to bring it out more. it was a misty type brush so its fairly unnoticeable but gives the effect i wanted. it's not in the center of the page because i didn't want the red in the font to interact with the red on his t-shirt i also could choose any other colour because it would have faded into the main image too much. i also added a pull quote from the 'so-called' article to make people want to read it.
screenshot 2: added an extra poster image. i made the poster images look like they were photos thrown onto the page for a more hand made feel to it.

start of construction of the music magazine. (not in cronological order)

screen shot 1: this is a full photograph chose as my image
for my front cover. i like the shadow in the background as it makes my model look more powerful. i used a studio for my photoshoot. i used upward lighting create demontic type shadows on his face. the out stretched hand are a stereotype pose for a metal magazine they connote power and strenght. i also used another light soft box on his right side to give it more detail and light.
screenshot 2: i added my masthead and i added cracks which i later removed because they were distracting and made the masthead too large. so with the space i lost from the cracks i added a strapline. the box open on the screenshot is to adjust the brightness/contrast. i also applied Curves and Levels onto my image as well to make sure all of my colours were balanced and crisp.

screenshot 3/4: on here you can see i have added a barcode, which is the same barcode in this post. i have also added text next to the barcode which is the date, issue number, price and website address. i have also added a photoshop brush to the front cover which has a corrugated metal look to it. i though it added texture and definition to the free posters section. i also made a graphic which i made using 2 ellipsis tools, one to keep the shape and the other to rub out the center. i also added text which i then curved to stay inside the graphic. i then embossed the writing.
screenshot 5: this is how i made my FREE CD graphic. i opened another photoshop document (this is a technique of mine as it is easier to work separately). and i used the ellipsis tool to create the CD shape and added the text onto it.

start of making my front page (masthead and strapline)

Screenshot 1: this was the start of the production of the magazine. i opened a photoshop document of an A4 size. i added the pre-made masthead and moved it down to create room for a strapline which was going to be the magazine slogan. i then wrote down any ideas (not matter how obscure) and picked from the ones on the list.
Screenshot 2: this is further on in the production but its part of the masthead and strapline construction. i shall explain the steps i took to get to this point during my other screenshots. i firstly added the slogan in the screen shot but i thought it was too short. i later realised it didn't make sense so i decided to change it

Monday, 19 April 2010

final masthead

first logo ideas

firstly, i created these titles by using photoshop and photoshop brushes. no only did i use the photoshop brushes with the brush tool but also using the eraser tool to create different depths between the layers. i found this quite fun to play around with as it was creative and nice to see how my ideas expanded. i got these brushes from a website called and some of my personal brushes. as i also take photography these are photoshop brushes i already had.
FIRST MASTHEAD: the first title consisted on multiple Gothic type branches growing out of the font. the cracks added to this old distressed look and really look like its been taken over y the roots of the trees. this gave the impression that it was an old relic but i felt and background was too blank.
SECOND MASTHEAD: this was much more simple with a crack design i created my making my photoshop eraser big enough to cover the font and creating this design. by making it more simple it made it more modest and plain which i quite liked. i wasn't sure if it needed something else though.
THIRD MASTHEAD: this looks very unprofessional and a bit like a television not tuned in properly. not alot of thought went into this one.
FOURTH MASTHEAD: this plays on the word smoke which is why i added smokey-cloudy-misty-fog. it creates a mysterious tone. though, the main focal point was the center of the word and the outsides of the word looked to blank.

FIFTH MASTHEAD: i don't like this masthead because it doesn't fit the conventions of a masthead of being something which stretches across the top of the page, which would happen with this masthead. it also doesn't have any connotations of a genre of rock music. i was just playing around with different photoshop brushes to see the differant effects.
SIXTH MASTHEAD: this looks too simple. i used a star type effect on it but , i think this looks too much like a masthead for a woman's interest magazine.
SEVENTH MASTHEAD: much the same as the sixth masthead it looked too simple and too much like a women's lifestyle magazine.

EIGHTH MASTHEAD: this plays on the word 'smoke'. i added two of the smokey brushes to the background but it looks to big to be a masthead and its not really eye catching.
NINTH MASTHEAD: it looks very plain and not eye catching enough for a magazine masthead. i played on the word smoke again with this brush.
TENTH & ELEVENTH MASTHEADS: both of these are just slight revisions of each other. the tenth masthead has a moon in the background which connotes night time and mystery which could also lead down the Gothic route. the eleventh masthead has the 'O' in smoke taken out to make the reader think it is there. i think this is more intelligent and makes the reader think about it but i still didn't think i had got to the stage of an effective masthead yet.
these last two mastheads are my favourites. i like the both of them so my final masthead was chosen by a peer vote, as i wanted a different view and they are going to be in my target age.
TWELFTH MASTHEAD: i used a cracked brush as an eraser to rub away parts of my text but to still make it legible. i applied a smokey cloud in a layer underneath to not interrupt the erased layer. i then applied branches, both jagged and swirly. while asking my peers which masthead they preferred i would also ask which kind of branches would be more effective.
THIRTEENTH MASTHEAD: this is the same as the twelfth masthead but without the branches. i think i this looks simpler and effective.
after the peer vote the twelfth masthead came out on top. the comments mentioned where that the jagged branches would be more effective as they connote quite a Gothic look and this would target my target market of people liking rock music. (of course a stereotypical view). but stereotype's have to be explored.

Flat plans for my music magazine

after the extensive analysis of music magazine i felt ready to start creating my flat plans. i did a front page, contents page and a double page spread flat plan. (excuse my drawing capabilities).
FRONT PAGE: the main colours are going to be red, black and white. red connotes anger and blood. Black connotes darkness and mystery and white connotes simplicity which are all related to heavy metal which is the main genre to my magazine. i want a photograph covering the whole of the front cover with up lighting so it creates demonic shadows across the face. i also want to use freebies to plug my magazine i.e posters, CD and competitions. i will be making up names for my bands on my front covers although i will be using names of bands which are real, if this magazine were real i would have to seek copyright permission to use images associated with the bands. CONTENTS: its largey images and a very simple text. i will be making a plug for the compition inside the magazine on the contents page. i may revise the layout of the contents page because im not convinced that it look like professional.DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD: it will be a gig review but i wanted to have quite alot of writing and desription about the gig but most gig reviews are very consise and short. i may revise this or i will stick to the descriptive writing i love.