Friday 30 April 2010

Facebook Feedback

i have an empty slide on my PowerPoint for space for the face book feedback. i am going to put this on separately because i still haven't collected all of my feedback.

Jaime Howard : Double Spread: It's good photography and the write up is very cool.
: Front page: Oh, i love it and so does my mother. she says it look professional. i like the barcode etc.
: contents page :i love it :D ♥

Conrad Preston:Contents page: Very good no critisim
:front page: very good
: for a metal mag it looks kinda indie?

Ros Perkin : contents page:It like draws you in.

Charlie Rusell: Contents page: Shape and layout the pictures a bit more :D they look good, you've got the right amount, bit shape them a bit better.

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