Monday 26 April 2010

Front page to music magazine (the smoke)

all of the writing on my magazine front cover is in capital letters which i did for a reason. i have noticed that alot of rock music magazine do this. i think it makes the writing more aggressive and almost personifies the text. you could also argue that writing in capital letters makes the text looks like its shouting wish would also connote the stereotypical angry streak of rock music.
i used freebies (free Cd, free posters) to entice readers because they believe it is good value for money.
my three main colours are red, white and black.
i added the eye catching free cd graphic. graphics are averagely seen on woman lifestyle magazines and can lower the tone of magazine but i think it works well as it attracts the eye to the magazine front cover.
all of the photographs i used are all my own. i went through i selection of looking at them on iphoto and selecting the best. i chose the pictures by seeing if they were landscape or portrait and which would look better on my front cover. composition was high on my selection list as i wanted the pictures to look well constructed with good lighting or dutch lines used through them. i also chose pictures according to their staturation need that be black and white, or unstaturated colour pictures.

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