Monday 19 April 2010

double page annalysis (kerrang)

this is a gig review with little writing is almost overpowered by the photograph of Keith Flint from the prodigy. the photograph is of a very high standard, this is to be expected from kerrang as it is the most popular music magazine in the uk so they can afford to hire better photographers and print their photographs with better detail. i like the rip which separates the photograph from the text, its less definate than a line which helps the double page spread flow together. the views from the people attending the gig give it a more personal feel towards to readers to get a different point of view from what the journalist said. the K's shown in red are a rating system of how good the gig was, from 1K which is bad to 5K's which is good. this adds another insight into the gig that the majourity of readers wouldn't of attended. the title doesnt really stand out its too blank and colourless.

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